Travel Insurance sheds its neglected tag in 2013


Nidhi Varma

Prospective fliers in particular, tended to be focused on the other aspects of their international trip. Lowest ticket costs, bagging coveted seats, accumulating/redeeming air-miles and other attractive benefits have proved to be more worthy of their attention. Yet, tapping into those that did opt for travel insurance during their overseas trip revealed that they had chosen to do so for a wide variety of reasons. These varied from having a buffer that would help them recoup the costs should a cancellation occur to the assuring feeling that came with having a safety net against eventualities.

For those still wondering why they might need travel insurance, here are a few situations that could help change your mind:


1.You re geared up for your vacation, having worked extra hard over the preceding weeks, just to earn this break. You arrive at the airport, only to realize that the flight has been cancelled. The airline counter in chaos; they are trying to book stranded passengers on the next available flight and essentially doing all that they can to ease the situation. Apart from the frayed nerves and the spoilt mood, what is really playing on your mind is that your entire plan has come crashing down. Connecting flights, accommodation arrangements, excursion and recreation bookings, all have to be redone. Having a travel insurance policy that covers such a scenario does help soothe those frayed nerves and can in some cases, even manage to pay for a mini-vacation next time around.

2.Tour operators going bust may be another extreme example, but they when they do, they usually tend to disrupt life for all those affected. Holidays 4 UK, a popular tour operator left over 60, 000 vacationers in a state of chaos when news emerged of them having gone into bankruptcy. Polish holiday maker Sky Club too left over 9000 vacationers stranded with their sudden fold-up. In such instances, those with adequate travel insurance cover were at-least able to recover some of their costs and return to their comfort of their homes in a safe and reasonable manner.

3.Falling ill while on an overseas trip can prove to be quite an intense and disturbing incident. Not only is one away from their usual support base but they are also in a foreign land, where the medical costs and support may vary from that they are exposed to back at home. In such instances, a thoughtfully purchased travel insurance policy can prove to be quite an invaluable safety net that can help one bounce back to their healthy self.

Besides the above mentioned situations, there are regular instances of lost baggage, travellers requiring dental assistance, nature influenced disruptions and others. In these and other such cases, travellers are increasingly waking up to the protective powers and the rescue act that has been performed by a thoughtfully chosen travel insurance policy. As we celebrate a brand new year and plan our overseas sojourns, do spread the word and help others in making the right choice as well.

A foreign trip is always exciting, whether you are on vacation or on business trip or study tour. For making this exciting trip safe you should buy appropriate

travel insurance


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