Category: Caravans

What Is Sas 70 Certified And What Is The Difference Between Type I And Type Ii?

By Amy Nutt

SAS 70 stands for Statement on Auditing Standards No. 70. It is an auditing standard that was adopted by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and is widely recognized in the auditing of service organizations. An auditor performs an audit on a service organization and that audit is conducted in a way that is compliant with SAS 70. It is that standard statement that says a service organization has been through an extensive audit

This extensive audit measures is that the organization has total control and has safeguards in place that does not compromise any data that they process for their customers. In other words, the job of the audit is to evaluate every aspect of the service organization that handles customer data or could result in a possible leak of customer data.

SAS 70 is necessary for the following reasons:

– It serves as a guide to service organizations when disclosing to their customers how it is they protect their information and how well they do it. The audit results are organized in a report that is easy to follow.

– It is not a checklist audit, but serves as a guide to independent auditors to form an opinion on how well the organization is utilizing their internal controls. There are certain standards that must be met during the audit.


– Provides a set of standards in which the auditor can perform a financial statement audit.

All of the information that is gathered is compiled into two types of reports. These reports are called Type I and Type II.

Type I report

A type I report takes the organizations description of their own controls at a certain point in time and describes those descriptions. The report includes the report by the independent auditor, which is simply the auditor’s opinion, and it includes the organization’s descriptions of their internal controls. There are parts of the report that are optional such as tests that are performed by the auditor and the auditor recording the results of those tests. Another optional area is the inclusion of any other information that the organization provides the auditor about its controls.

Type II report

The type II report is similar to the type I report in a lot of ways. The main difference is that it is mandatory for the auditor to perform tests and record the results of those tests. This is optional with type I. All of the other areas of evaluation remain the same and the inclusion of additional data by the organization is still optional.

How the organization benefits

The organization benefits from SAS 70 because it is receiving an unbiased opinion from the outside regarding the security and the effectiveness of its financial and customer-related controls. In turn, the organization can then work on any areas of weakness, which means that the customers can feel more secure about who they are doing business with. This builds a trust with customers when they know that their financial and/or personal information with the organization are secure. It lets them know who they can turn to when they need what the service organization has to offer.

Also, a service organization that has regular audits performed is an organization that has a long business life ahead of it. As stated before, customers will turn to a secure organization to do business. That means the organization is ensuring itself a long life as long as regular audits are performed to ensure the security of their internal controls. Keeping up with their controls can also save them money from having to eventually bring their controls up-to-date.

About the Author: Managed Hosting Provider providing state-of-the-art data centre offices. We are SAS 70 and CICA 5970 and Certified, which is the highest available standards for measuring and improving data center operations and management.


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Saving Money With Washing Machine Repair In Newton, Ma

byAlma Abell

Most people do not realize how much they use their washing machine until it stops working. Then they end up with backed up laundry in just a matter of days. This is not good, especially if you have a large family who goes through a lot of clothes. Most people in this situation cannot afford to go for a long period of time without a washing machine. Thankfully, these people can get quick Washing Machine Repair in Newton, MA if something happens to their washing machine. A quick repair means that they can get their laundry caught up before it gets too far out of control.

The other option is buying a new washing machine, but that can be really expensive. Most repairs are minor and do not cost a lot of money, so it is definitely worth it to have your washing machine looked at if it stops working. All too often, people just run out and buy another one, which may be a huge waste of money. They may have been able to get a repair done for a fraction of the cost. If you do not want to spend money that you do not need to, you should always see if your washing machine can be fixed first.

There are some really great contractors out there who do Washing Machine Repair in Newton, MA so you should not have trouble finding someone to look at your washing machine. These contractors are usually able to diagnose the problem pretty quickly, which means that they can get to work on it quickly. The faster they start working on it, the faster you can have your washing machine back. This means that you will not have a great deal of laundry to catch up when they are done.

Once you have your washing machine fixed you will be glad that you did not buy a new washing machine. That is because you will have saved a lot of money and you will not have to wait for your new washer to come. Instead, you can just start doing the laundry that you need to do.

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Rv Lifestyles: Staying Safe On Remote Campsites

By Bill Revill

Considering several shocking occurrences in the Australian outback over recent years, it’s hardly surprising that many people are easily put off the idea of camping in remote areas because of what they see in the media. With crime seemingly on the increase, the comparative safety of bricks and mortar becomes ever more comforting.

Right or wrong, this perception of potential danger out in the lonely places can be difficult to shake loose, particularly for anyone with limited outdoor experience. Realistically, then, is there anything we can do to make isolated campsites more user friendly — at least from a security standpoint?

The answer is a resounding ‘Yes’, but before tackling the question in detail, perhaps we should make some attempt to regain our lost perspective.

Quite simply, crime and cities go together like fleas and dogs. That’s not to say there’s no threat at all in country areas, but the level of crime out there is way, way down on big-city rates. After all, as any seasoned crim knows, pickings in the bush are paltry compared with the unlimited prospects of the big smoke. Result is, we’re a lot safer, by and large, the further we travel beyond suburbia.

Understandably, though, many travellers still prefer to stay within their comfort zone by limiting their stopovers to tourist parks, campgrounds, or other ‘safe’ areas where like-minded company abounds. Despite the apparent wisdom of this approach, is that really all you want from your travels? Don’t you thereby place limits on your outdoor experiences, not to mention your overall enjoyment?

Some campers apparently believe so. In order to bolster family confidence, their strategy is to start out in tourist parks or commercial campgrounds, eventually move on to national and state parks, then some time later, find a private Shangri-La somewhere further out.

Perhaps more importantly — and regardless of where you camp — your choice of outdoor lifestyle predetermines, to some degree, your inherent level of security. Sleeping in a tent, for example, rarely develops a sense of protection to equal that of a caravan; and even caravans, it might be argued, don’t offer the all-round safety of a motorhome. Obviously then, decisions regarding your outdoor accommodation may indirectly impact long-term enjoyment.

That being the case, a small to medium caravan, motorhome or campervan would seem a reasonable compromise amongst the camping trifecta of security, site accessibility, and outdoor lifestyle.

Indeed, the ‘hard-wall’ RV options have the additional advantage that external ‘interference’ would be instantly detected by the occupants, making intrusion during the night, for instance, highly improbable. Of course, extra safety is easily installed in the form of security screens on doors and windows, and additional internal padbolts.


Incidentally, evidence suggests a trend whereby travellers happily inscribe their names on an external wall of their RV. As welcoming as this might be, it could be unwise, given the possibility of ‘undesirables’ calling your name from outside, prompting you or the kids to open the door to somebody presumed to be a friend.

The same might be said for our natural inclination to help strangers along a backcountry roadside. Unfortunately, the old ‘help-each-other-out’ principle requires more careful consideration these days.

But getting back to the real issue: For travellers who eventually hope to move beyond the crowds and the costs of commercial parks and campgrounds, it comes down to how best to utilise out-of-the-way campsites where gut feel dictates that extra caution is warranted. And in most of those situations the number one rule is ‘Privacy = Security’. Generally speaking, anyway.

First, select a site far enough from nearby activity and passing traffic — or well hidden by trees and bush — so as not to invite unnecessary attention. Maybe it goes without saying, but anything within about five kilometers of a town or ten kilometers of a pub is best avoided.

Remember, too, that it’s a good idea to choose your overnight stopping place while there’s still an hour or so of daylight. Locate a spot well back from the highway, preferably along a sidetrack so your camp is not obvious to passing motorists.

Choosing a spot before dark also allows time to sus out the surrounding area (houses? farms? fences? alternative exit?), and to take a good look around. Obvious signs of partying, reckless driving, or excessive pollution should prompt the decision to move on.

Yet another benefit of setting up in daylight is that cooking and other chores can be got out of the way early, meaning less need for lighting and stumbling about the site after sunset. Even so, it doesn’t hurt to keep one eye (and one ear) on passing traffic. Slowing or returning vehicles should get your antennae twitching.

Invariably, in these sorts of impromptu overnight camps, RV travellers choose to remain in ‘departure mode’. No awning, no camp chairs, no gear stored beneath the RV, no stabiliser jacks — and generally facing toward the ‘exit’. Next day, if feeling more relaxed about the site, a longer stopover might be considered.

Once camp is set up and the sun goes down, the most obvious announcements of your presence are a campfire and various types of camp lighting. Keep in mind that if you can see passing headlights, it’s likely that your camplight and fire are visible to them. However, if your fire is small, set low in a trench away from the ‘highway side’ of your camp (screened by van or vehicle), all should be fine. For reassurance, walk out to the road and look back toward camp.

Similarly, try to minimise camp lighting, and keep RV curtains and blinds completely drawn. And although an effective flashlight is essential for bush travel, light beams flashing through trees is an instant giveaway.

Most commonly, though, traffic all but ceases come nightfall and you’ll have the area to yourself. In the unlikely event that someone does pull in, remain calm. Be friendly — helpful if necessary — but it’s best not to encourage them with invites to ‘share a beer by the fire’. More than likely, it will be just another Pilgrim seeking the security of fellow travellers.

Before retiring for the night, it’s wise to walk around your outfit to check the fire is out, the car locked, and no gear has been left lying about.

Assuming everything pans out and you settle in for a few days, chances are it will become necessary to drive to the nearest town for supplies. If so, leave the campsite looking like the occupants aren’t far away: camp chairs set up, coffee mugs on the table, some laundry hanging on a line. Of course the caravan should be locked, with curtains drawn, and anything of value secure inside or taken with you. It’s not a bad idea to leave a radio playing inside the van, either.

Not surprisingly, it’s during the night when nervous campers experience their greatest concerns. Fortunately, the best deterrents against would-be troublemakers are also the simplest: light and sound. As security professionals tell us, when intruders feel compromised, their knee-jerk reaction is to get out of there — fast. Off down the road to find an easier target!

One way to achieve this is to rig up some form of lighting that can be switched on from your bed, and a 12-volt floodlight or two does the job. By the way, outside lighting is more useful (and your own movements less obvious) if internal lights remain switched off while you are peering out into the darkness.

In addition to outside lighting, you might consider some sort of noise making device. Compact personal alarms available from electronic shops (Dick Smith, Tandy) are inexpensive and effective. Mind you, it is embarrassing when you finally storm out of the RV, lights blazing, sirens wailing, to be confronted by a cheeky possum! Chances are that’s all it will ever be.

On the other hand, if you prefer to take campsite security even more seriously, here are a few more possibilities to consider:


The best all-round security service a traveller can get, but they come at a cost in both money and upkeep. And many tourist parks — plus all national parks — don’t allow them.

Alarm indicator lights:

Those tiny, flashing red lights, usually fitted inside a car to indicate there’s an alarm active (even if there isn’t) can be fitted anywhere 12-volt power is available. Make them just visible without being too obvious.

Strobe lights:

The greatest value in a flashing blue strobe light is the universal recognition — among good guys and bad — that an intrusion has occurred. From that viewpoint these can be more effective than basic security lighting.


A light, randomly activated during the night by a 24 hour x 15 minute timer, may suggest that a restless camper resides within. Anyone watching your camp would become frustrated enough to seek easier spoils.

Alarms and sirens:

Several types are available, variously activated by trip wires, infrared sensors or internal switches. They take a bit of setting up, are prone to accidental initiation, and are, generally speaking, gross over-kill. All the same, if that’s what it takes to put family fears to rest, visit those electronic stores again.


In outback areas, mobile phone networks are rarely within range, so for emergency communication consider a satellite phone or HF radio. For most campers, though, the $2000-plus price tags are difficult to justify. AM/SSB and UHF sets, although less expensive, rely on a trucker or farmer being within three or four kilometers. Nevertheless, from the outside, hearing the occupants put out a ‘distress call’ would be reason enough to move on.


From a legal viewpoint — and keeping individual firearm training and competence in mind — this is definitely an issue for cautious, personal evaluation. Without doubt, any weapon in the hands of the inexperienced, or someone overtaken by panic, soon becomes more danger than protection. And should the weapon fall into the hands of the intruder, an extremely awkward scenario could be the outcome! Your call.

As mentioned earlier, human dangers in isolated areas are so rare as to be almost non-existent. But that said, it doesn’t hurt to be realistic. A healthy dose of controlled paranoia, backed up by thoughtful preparation, not only improves your level of safety, it also helps the family feel more at ease while enjoying real bush solitude.

About the Author: Bill Revill is an Australian freelance writer, fulltime RV traveller, and remote lifestyle expert. For further information go to:

Copyright 2007 by W.V. Revill


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