Category: Dentist

Bahaya Kopi Bagi Kesehatan Anda

Submitted by: Encep Muhaemin

Kopi….Yah memang minuman yang satu ini Memmang merupakan kegemaran banyak orang,dan terrmasuk sya sendiri.Rasanya setiap pagi sore bahkan ketika lembur banyak kerjaan kopi memang salah satu syarat yang harus ada.

Terusa terang saja ktika rasa pusing di kepala saya melanda saya karena pekerjaan yang begitu banyak dan karena aktifitas yang bikin kita lelah semua itu bisa hilang karena minum kopi.

Ketik saya membaca sebuah artikel tentang kopi terkejut saya karenanya,kenapa karena ternyata di samping rasanya yang manis ternyata ada beberapa efek buruk yang timbulkan akibat dari minum kopi.dan inilah yang akan saya bagikan kepada anda semua bahaya dari minum kopi atau dampak buruk dari minum kopi. Silahkan lanjutkan membacanya

Ada 6 poin yang akan saya tulis tentang efek buruk dari minum kopi mungkin ada banyak bahaya lainya yang tidak saya tulis, tapi ini merupakan intinya :


1. Kopi dapat menyebabakan kerja jantung atau detak jantung akan lebh cepat dari biasanya,ini terjadi apalagi ketika kita minum kopi dalam kondisi belum makan rasanya jantung kita berdebar lebih kencang,ini juga bisa terjadi bagi penderita penyakit MAGH efek debar jantung lebih cepatnya akan semakin terasa sekali.

Dan oleh karena itu di sarankan bagi bagi penderita yang sering mengalami serangan jantung disarankan untuk tidak mengkonsumsi kopi apalagi dalam jumlah yang.

2. Seperti yang saya sebutkan pada poin pertama efek jantung berdebar Lebih terasa pada penderita penyakit Magh oleh karena itu Kepada para penderita penyit magh Di sarankan untuk tidak mengkkonsumsi kopi di karenakan kopi dapat meningkatkan kualitas asam lambung ..

3. Minum kopi dapat menyebabkan serangan jantung dan stroke ,kenapa demikian kaarena minum kopi Yang berlebihan dapat menimbulkan meningkatnya kadar trigliserida, kolesterol jahat pada tubuh serta darah anda akan lebih pekat dan dengan kondisi seperti ini akan terjadi penyempitan padda saluran pembuluh darah pengendapan pada kadar kolestrol tubuh sehingga dapt menyebabkan serangan jantung beserta stoke.

4. Bagi kebanyaakan orang salah satu alasan mengkonsumsi kopi adalah agar tahan terhadap rasa kantuk,nah ini adalah situasi yang kurang baik ,karena seseorang dapat mengalami gejala insomnia taua bisa juga di sebut sulit tidur dan ini adalah sangat tidak baik untuk kesehatan.Ketika seseorang susah tidur maka di pastikan dia kurang maksimal dalam melakukan pengistirahatan seluruh organ badanya dana kalau sudah seperti ini akan sanagt rentan sekali terhadap masuknya penyakit.

5. Kandungan kafein dalam kopi dapat menyebabkan keguguran pada ibu hamil,karena ketika seseorang mengkonsumsi kopi maka ketika kadarnya mencapai 100 mg kafein/hari maka besar kemungkinan terjadi keguguran pada ibu hamil.ini di sebabkan oleh kandungan kafein dalam kopi dapat menyerang sel plasenta kemudian masuk ke dalam sirkulasi darah pada janin.maka sangat di anjurkan kepada ibu hamil agar tidak minum kopi demi keselamatan janinnya.

6. Kopi juga dapat melemahkan daya tahan tubuh kita kenapa demikian ? karena kafein dalam kopi bisa menyerap kandungan vitamin dan mineral yang sangat di butihkan oleh tubuh.maka unyuk mensiasati ini disarankan setelah mengkonsumsi kopi segeralah minum segelas air putih agar kandungan mineral dalam tubuh kita tetap terjaga..

Nah mari kita jaga kesehatan kita dengan tidak mengkonsumsi kopi yang berlebihan atau kalau bisa segeralah berhenti minum kopi atau minumlah kopi yang bercampur dengan susu agar kandungan bahan yang membahayakanya setidaknya bisa di kurangi.

Sekian artikel tentang Bahaya minum kopi semoga bisa menjadi bahan untuk anda agar lebih berhati-hati dan waspada terhadap segala sesuatu yang merugian daya tahan tubuh kita.

About the Author: Artikel mengenai bahaya kopi bagi kesehatan anda,untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan anda kunjungi di sisni


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An Experienced And Highly Trained Dentist Offers Expert Treatment Of Occlusal Disease

An Experienced and Highly Trained Dentist Offers Expert Treatment of Occlusal Disease


Clifford Yurman

Occlusal disease is an unbalanced bite that can result into tooth loss and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). Occlusal disease can further lead to numerous problems including headaches, neckaches, chipped and fractured teeth, jaw pain, clicking, locking, etc. The main reason behind the occurrence of the occlusal disease is the lack of harmony between the way the jaws close and the teeth meet. In case you want to enhance or beautify your smile then it is imperative to undergo a thorough occlusal disease examination. Occlusal disease is also known as silent oral disease.

The symptoms of the occlusal disease include excessive tooth wear, sensitivity, muscle pain, and TMJ pain. If occlusal disease is not treated timely then muscle and jaw problems can continue to cause discomfort. Occlusal disease treatment includes mild reshaping of the teeth to stabilize the bite, restorations of worn teeth, etc. However in some cases a highly trained dentist after assessing your condition might refer to undergo an orthodontic treatment so as to adjust the bite.


A highly experienced dentist examines the condition of your teeth. In order to properly diagnose the degree of occlusal disease the dentist does a detailed evaluation of your bite including detailed records of your current condition. A highly trained dentist can treat occlusal disease effectively. It is imperative to find a knowledgeable dentist who understands occlusal disease and provides you with the best solution. It is advisable to look for a dentist who can identify the imbalance and correct it. A highly trained dentist offers you superior dental care.

A reliable dentist focuses at providing you with optimal dental health. The trained dentist provides you with the most innovative dental techniques available and makes sure that you understand why and how a procedure is performed. To insure comfortable dental procedure the dentist always uses the safest materials during the cosmetic and restorative dentistry.

In order to make sure whether the chosen dentist is experienced and knowledgeable enough you can schedule an appointment for consultation. During the initial consultation you can ask several questions related to your problem, treatment, etc. You can also enquire about the dentist s educational background and training. Thus during the consultation you can come to a conclusion whether the chosen dentist is suitable and also whether you feel compatible with him or her while discussing your problem. However by visiting the personal website of the dentist you can get complete information regarding the dentist and the services offered. Moreover you can also get the dentist s email and other contact details. Also ensure whether he is certified or not. Make sure that the dentist is aware of the latest technologies and equipments.

You can search the trained dentist while browsing the internet. Several dentists also give their advertisements in the leading newspaper, weekly and medical magazines. You can also find the appropriate information regarding the dentist from the yellow pages and telephone directories. On the internet you can also find out numerous exclusive website related with dental issue.

Mike is an experienced writer who writes many articles on

Prosthodontist Manhattan

. This article particularly aim at

Cosmetic Dentist NYC


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Facts You Should Know Before Taking Lyrica

By Heather Colman

Lyrica is a prescription medication that is used to relieve nerve pain that occurs with shingles or diabetes. It is a proven method of pain management due to nerve pain and is shown to be an effective therapy for those with postherpetic neuralgia or PHN.

There are several things you should consider prior to asking your doctor to prescribe Lyrica for your nerve pain. First, you should discuss certain aspects of your personal life with your doctor that includes for women, whether you are pregnant, wish to become pregnant or are breast-feeding a child.

If you are a male and are planning to father a child, you should discuss this with your doctor as well. Prior to taking Lyrica you should also tell your physician if you are taking any type of prescription, non- prescription or herbal remedy drugs, especially if you are taking Actos or Avandia.

Your physician will likely ask you if you have ever had any allergic reactions such as swelling in the face, wheezing, itching or hives after take prescription medications, heart problems, bleeding problems, low blood platelet count or if you have any history of kidney disease.


If you are allergic to pregabalin or any ingredient included in Lyrica, you should refrain from taking this prescription drug. Pregabalin is the main ingredient in Lyrica and a possible reaction to it should definitely be discussed with your physician.

Lyrica comes in a variety of strengths from 25 milligram to 300-milligram capsules. When your doctor prescribes this to help manage your nerve pain, it is likely you will need to take the capsules two to three times daily.

Lyrica can be taken with or without food and the prescription drug therapy should be continued until your doctor tells you otherwise, even if the pain has ceased.

Lyrica has some side effects, as is common in most medications, and these side effects could include drowsiness, dizziness, dry mouth, blurred vision, swelling of the feet or hands, increase in weight gain and problems with concentration. It is important that you refrain from operating a vehicle or any other heavy machinery when beginning Lyrica or similar medications. Other side effects could include a feeling of being high as well.

It is important that you refrain from using alcohol while taking Lyrica as this could cause some side effects to develop or worsen. You should also avoid taking any other medicines, prescription or otherwise, that will cause dizziness or drowsiness.

Lyrica was tested on animals prior to its approval. In studies of mice, Lyrica had produced tumors and skin sores on the animals. Those with diabetes need to be especially aware of skin sores as a result of Lyrica.

Disclaimer: The information presented here should not be interpreted as or substituted for medical advice. Please talk to a qualified professional before taking Lyrica or any other drug.

About the Author: Copyright 2006, Heather Colman. Find more


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Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Bonding In Branford Ct

byAlma Abell

Many individuals have tooth irregularities that they’re embarrassed for other people to see. Individuals don’t have to be ashamed about their smile when they can have their dentist perform a tooth bonding procedure. Individuals should read the frequently asked questions below to learn important details about Dental Bonding in Branford CT.

Why would individuals need to have a dental bonding procedure?


Individuals who want their front teeth to look more attractive often have a dental bonding procedure. Bonding covers up gaps between the teeth, chipped teeth, broken teeth and stained teeth. Dentists can also use bonding material, that’s the same shade as a person’s teeth, instead of using metal to fill in a cavity.

What are the steps for a dental bonding procedure?

The dentist first matches the bonding material to the color of a person’s natural teeth. The shade of the bonding material must match exactly so that it blends in with the natural teeth and so that it isn’t noticeable.

Next, the dentist begins the procedure by using a dental instrument to make the tooth’s surface rough. This step is necessary so the adhesive material will bind completely with the bonding material. The dentist then places the bonding resin on the tooth and molds it into the correct position to cover the imperfection.

The dentist then holds an ultraviolet light over the bonding material, which makes it become hard. After this step, the dentist may choose to form or clip the resin even more if necessary.

How long does dental bonding material last on a person’s teeth?

When individuals visit their dentist for Dental Bonding in Branford CT, they can expect the resin to stay on their teeth for approximately ten years. Individuals who take excellent care of their teeth and visit the dentist on a regular basis may have the bonding material on their teeth for many additional years. When individuals have tooth bonding they should never chew on ice, open lids with their teeth or do anything else that can cause harm to the teeth and the dental bonding.

A dental bonding procedure can be performed by a dentist to cover up many different kinds of tooth imperfections. Individuals in Branford who would like to discuss their options for dental bonding can visit and contact the office for an appointment.

Nanny Camera Spy Cameras With Motion Detection Technology Are Best In Providing Security

By Angela Dalton

Motion detection technology used in spy cameras is in fact excellent. Spy cameras with motion detection technology work towards providing the greatest security as well as surveillance capabilities to the user. This piece of equipment is pinhole cameras integrated with a customary PIR motion detector container that is miniature in size.

A number of companies manufacturing surveillance equipments are providing these spy cameras. You can buy one that goes well with your finances and particular surveillance needs. The excellent thing about these is that the majority of these cameras are manufactured in such a way so as to be integrated directly into a distinctive surveillance system based on built-in alarm. This makes possible for easy installation and assimilation. On the other hand, to get the most out of your motion detecting spy camera you should be familiar with where to make use of a motion detecting hidden spy camera so as to take advantage of it in the most favorable way. Let us discuss a few of the top places where it is a necessity to set up a spy camera alarm system with motion detection.


With the violent and greedy world we live in at present, it has made motion detecting camera system an important part of every industry, office, business, school, college, and homes. Pick up any news paper or surf through any news channel you will see brutal massacre taking place in school and colleges, thefts, burglary at business premises, child abuse by babysitters, nannies, elder abuse by caretakers, thefts at home by hired help and so on. These are in particular put up in the majority of the organization, companies and homes in recent times. Another area of concern is the backdoor. There is certainly no doubt on the truth people make use of front door of their houses the majority of times they go out of or come inside the home. On the other hand, specialists in providing security think that it will be an excellent thing if you set up the security equipment in close proximity to the back door of your home. This is the most excellent means to watch closely on gatecrashers and burglars.

Your child’s bedroom is another area of concern. Spy cameras with motion detection and alarm system are excellent for homes with children. Given that children are most vulnerable, when you are away on your job, leaving them at the mercy of a nanny or babysitter. You can fix these in your child’s room to make out whether they are treated well in your absence. You will as well be updated as soon as they leave of their room. Installing a motion detecting spy camera with alarm system in retail outlets is as well imperative. Installing a motion detecting spy camera with alarm system in a retail outlets will warn about shoplifters and pilfering by employees in the stockroom.

At present, there are a number of kinds of motion detecting spy cameras available in the market. However, buy one that has a built in DVR and is state-of-the-art definitely! If you have a business or a lavish home, you need protection for which you require security camera to guard your belongings.

About the Author: Angela is an expert in the field. For more information on nanny camera and on self-contained DVR spy camera Please visit:


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