Category: Education

Entrepreneurs With Irritable Bowel Syndrome! Top 5 Relieving Tips, And What You Must Know}

Submitted by: Dr. Christine Kaczmar

Thats right youre not alone!

So many

entrepreneurs suffer with I.B.S. The reason? In one word: STRESS.

***What’s Stress Doing To Your Bowels?***

Emotional stress causes you to release cortisol, a stress hormone. Cortisol signals your body that theres a new problem, requiring immediate attention. Your body does what it must to solve this problem, taking energy away from your normal digestive processes.

The longer youre under stress, the more your I.B.S. will be aggravated.

But theres hope:

new evidence shows

what REALLY causes

I.B.S., and its something your doctor has probably NOT investigated.

Later in this article,

Ill give you

5 relieving tips,

and Ill tell you how to learn the

5 mistakes

youre making every time you eat, so you can start relieving your I.B.S. today.

But first,

let me reveal the root cause of your symptoms.

***”HELP! What’s Going On?”***

Lets start with constipation. The early stages of constipation begin when you

do not chew your food thoroughly enough.

When you dont chew thoroughly, your saliva doesnt interact with your food long enough to initiate carbohydrate digestion.

You see, digestion begins in the mouth, and

saliva is the first step of the digestive process.

When you swallow food before its adequately chewed, you place an extra burden on your stomach and pancreas. This sets the stage for constipation, excessive gas, burping, painful bloating, and a host of other digestive complications.

***Theres More, And Most Doctors DONT Know***

Theres a

second reason

why inadequate chewing leads to constipation- and sadly, its a reason about which many doctors are ignorant. It has to do with

hydrochloric acid production.

Once you swallow your food, your stomach receives HCl, or Hydrochloric Acid, from your blood. It takes approximately 1 hour for your stomach to receive enough HCl. HCl is extremely acidic, and vitally necessary in the digestive process.

When the appropriate pH level in the stomach is reached, your body can now accomplish two essential tasks:

1. Protein digestion2. Mineral absorption

Now, heres the problem: if your digestive process is compromised, the minerals from your food are inadequately absorbed for use in the body. One of these minerals is


Why is sodium so important? Sodium is a key player in the formation of


, a substance that allows you to move your bowels smoothly. Perhaps you’ve heard the term, bile salts.

If youre not absorbing sodium, your bile will be too thick, and youll become constipated. The thicker your bile, the worse your constipation!

So, if your stomach is already exhausted and your digestive organs are stressed because youre swallowing your food in chunks, can you be at all surprised that the production of HCl in your stomach is also faulty?

An incredible amount of your stomachs energy is wasted by cleaning up large portions of unchewed food strains. When this occurs, HCl production will be compromised, you will not properly absorb your foods minerals, you will not absorb enough sodium, your bile will be too thick, and

youll become constipated.


Does this mean you should eat more salt? NO!

Consuming more salt in your diet is NOT the answer. The answer begins with chewing more thoroughly. Without the added burden of digesting big chunks of food, your digestive system will have a better success rate of absorbing the sodium it needs from the food youre already eating.

Your bile will be the correct thickness, and your bowels will move more regularly.

***”What About My DIARRHEA?”***

The diarrhea aspect of I.B.S. is caused when you are not properly


the sugars, fats and proteins youre consuming.

Why did I emphasize the word digesting?

Let me ask you a question: youve probably heard the phrase, You are what you eat. Thats a correct statement, right? Actually its completely


The truth is, you are what you


youre the nutrients you absorb from your food, and assimilate throughout your body for proper utilization.

You can eat all of the apples in the world, but if you cannot digest the apples nutrients, you will not receive much nutritional benefit at all.

Back to the cause of diarrhea, its NOT that you need to eat


sugars, fats or proteins. That would not solve the problem, because your digestive organs are not working properly. Youre not able to digest the sugars, fats and proteins youre



So, what happens when you cant digest your food? Undigested food molecules accumulate within your small and large intestines. These food particles irritate and inflame your digestive tract,

setting the stage for leaky gut syndrome.

But guess what your body is smart! It knows that these undigested food particles are causing real problems. Your body attempts to flush these food particles from your system-

giving you diarrhea!***5 Naturally-Relieving Tips, and 5 Mistakes To Avoid***

Yes, there is hope for relief.

The best answer for long-term relief is to have your digestive system properly analyzed for the above types of digestive issues, and to be placed on a natural remedy specific to your situation.

But for right now, make sure youre doing these 5 things:


three servings per day

of raw, organic fruits and vegetables. They must be raw! Raw produce supplies your body with digestive enzymes necessary to help digest your food.

2.Eliminate wheat gluten from your diet for 2 weeks, and see if you notice any relief. Wheat gluten is a

trigger food

for many I.B.S. sufferers. One of the best, largest gluten-free product lines is Bobs Red Mill, at

3.Eliminate dairy from your diet.

Lactose is a milk sugar,

and is a trigger for many cases of I.B.S. See if you notice any difference after 2 weeks. Check food labels for whey, a hidden dairy ingredient.

4.To help relieve constipation, make sure you consume enough fiber in your diet.

But dont be fooled

some of the foods you think are high-fiber may actually be low-fiber, so be sure to read food labels.

5.Do your best to decrease emotional stress! Take 5 minute breaks

every 90 minutes,

and try to eat in a calm environment.

***Last But Certainly Not Least STOP Making These 5 MISTAKES!***

Even the most health-conscious entrepreneurs are making mistakes every time they eat, that are making their I.B.S. worse. To summarize the information, Ive written a

FREE report, called The 5 Mistakes Youre Making Every Time You Eat!.

This is critical information to help you get faster I.B.S. relief, so click here or on the link below to get your

FREE copy

of this report right now:

About the Author: Natural Digestive Health and Internal Health Specialist Dr. Christine Kaczmar, The Digestion Doctor, helps people get their lives back from I.B.S., Constipation, Diarrhea, Gas, Bloating, Heartburn, High Cholesterol and more. Get The 5 Mistakes Youre Making Every Time You Eat right now by clicking this link:



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How You Trust Dentist When You Get Different Opinions By Different Dentists}

Submitted by: Tony Lu

How do you trust dentist when you get different opinions by different dentists is something that many of us have asked at one point or another about any service. But when its your dentist you’d assume that they would know what they are talking about. We may not like going to the dentist but its something that is essential and we aim for as simple a process as possible.

So if you go to the dentist and they tell you that the surgery or procedures that need to be done are lengthy or expensive you may want to get the opinion of another dentist. Never be worried about telling your dentist this, if they’re genuine then they have nothing to worry about. By doing this you’ll also be able to make a more informed and hopefully wiser choice about what really needs doing to your teeth or gums, if anything at all.

Off you go to another dentist then only to get told that the procedure you need to have done by the first dentist doesn’t have to be that expensive or even worse that it doesn’t really need to be done at all. Now you’re wondering who to believe but there is usually a good reason for the differences. Some dentists may think that an uneven bite merely doesn’t look nice whereas another may feel that it could have a negative affect on the health of your teeth or gums in the long run.


So this is where it boils down to opinion, dentist number one may feel that getting braces will just make your teeth look nicer and isn’t necessary but if the unevenness does start to give you problems physically then they will do something about it, dentist number two may err more on the side of prevention and want to stop any chances of those problems ever occurring.

And now you’re at a point where you need to make a decision, read up and do some research, look online or speak to people who have had similar procedures done. Ask both dentists the same questions, why does it need to be done? Can it be done cheaper or in another less invasive way? You should judge them on the answers they give you and if you feel they are being truthful or if what they say really makes sense or if it sounds like they’re going for the most expensive options.

When you see a second or subsequent dentist that gives you different answers never be afraid to point out to them that another qualified dentist has told you something different. Explain what they said and ask that particular dentist if they can help by explaining why their opinion differs.

Unless it seems very obvious that a dentist is merely out to get your money the main reasons that dentists opinions may differ is that they may have been to different colleges or universities where the training was different. They may even prefer one technique over another such as preferring to use metal braces as opposed to using thin veneers.

So make sure to ask questions, do research and ask others who may go to the same dentists, did they feel like they were being pressurised into spending more than normal? If the answer is yes then its best to avoid that dentist.

About the Author:

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Diet Herbs: Licorice, Milk Thistle, Mustard Seed, Parsley, Passion Flower And Plantain

By Georg Kharchenko


You probably think of licorice as a black, chewy candy, but it is also an important herb used to treat inflammation and bronchial congestion. Licorice is derived from the roots and underground stem of a European plant and is available in capsules, powders, lozenges, and extracts. A few natural weight-loss supplements use it as an ingredient in tiny quantities.

The active compound in licorice responsible for its therapeutic benefits is glycyrrhizin, which gives the herb its sweetness. Licorice also contains an anti-oxidant that may help prevent hardening of the arteries (technically known as atherosclerosis). There are no weight-loss benefits linked to licorice or to glycyrrhizin, however.

Supplementing with high or long-term doses of licorice extracts containing glycyrrhizin is dangerous because it may aggravate heart or kidney problems. Natural weight-loss supplements with licorice contain only traces of the extract, however. A modified form of licorice called DGL is considered safer.

Milk Thistle

Derived from a weed like plant grown in the Mediterranean area, this herb has been used as liver protectant since ancient times.

For more than 60 years, hundreds of studies have confirmed milk thistle’s benefit on liver health. Most supplements contain standardized extracts of the herb’s active ingredient, silymarin, and are used to treat cirrhosis, hepatitis, and other liver diseases, particularly in Europe. Where weight loss is concerned, milk thistle is thought to be an herbal lipotropic that helps remove fatty substances from the liver.


Supplementing with milk thistle and products containing it appears to be safe.

Mustard Seed

The seed of the mustard plant is ground into a powder and often is found as an ingredient in natural weight-loss supplements. It is high in the mineral magnesium.

Though it is a common ingredient in weight-loss products, mustard seed powder has no proven role in weight control.

Mustard seed powder is considered safe.


You know it best as a garnish on your dinner plate, but parsley has a reputation as a healer dating back to ancient times. And no wonder. It is very nutritious, rich in vitamin A, folic acid, iron, and other minerals.

Therapeutically, parsley can decrease blood pressure and aid indigestion. It is a proven natural diuretic and thus may produce a slight loss of water weight.

Parsley is considered very safe.

Passion Flower

Passion flower is a perennial vine that grows in the eastern United States and is available as an herbal remedy.

The herb exerts a sedative action, and has been found to relieve anxiety and reduce high blood pressure. At least one natural weight-loss supplement on the market lists passion flower as an ingredient, but there is no proof that it has any effect on weight loss. However, passion flower may help curb stress-related eating binges.

Passion flower appears to be safe, and the German Commission E has officially approved it for nervous anxiety.


Plantain is a leafy plant approved by The German Commission E for treating sore throat, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, and skin inflammation. The herb acts mainly as an astringent and an antibacterial.

An Italian study has confirmed a weight-loss effect with plantain. Women who were severely obese (at least 60 percent over their recommended weight) supplemented with 3 grams of plantain in water half an hour prior to meals. The plantain-supplemented group lost more weight than a control group who simply cut calories. Supposedly, plantain reduces the absorption of fats and makes you feel full which would explain its weight-loss benefit.

In 1977, the FDA issued a warning to consumers that they should stop using dietary supplements with plantain because the products may contain a toxic, digitalis-like substance. Digitalis is the active ingredient in some prescription heart medicines and a powerful heart stimulant. Digitalis can cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, low blood pressure, and abnormal heart rate and rhythm, including cardiac arrest.

Reportedly, the substance was detected in samples of raw material labeled as plantain and used in herbal laxatives and tea. The FDA swung into action after receiving a report of a life-threatening heart abnormality in a young woman who had supplemented with a product containing plantain. The news on plantain makes it potentially deadly and not to be fooled with if you’re trying to lose weight.

About the Author: Georgiy Kharchenko –

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