Category: Equipment

How Has The Widespread Adoption Of Smartphones Affected Digital Advertising?

How Has the Widespread Adoption of Smartphones Affected Digital Advertising?


Larry Wright

There are very few inventions that truly change how we live and work as a society. Refrigeration, the microchip, those little things on the end of shoelaces that make them not unravel. In all seriousness, it really isn t that often that a consumer product comes along that actually changes how society operates, but the smartphone truly has.

Consider how we use our smartphones. They re much more than the cell phones of old. They re on-demand access to our social media streams, our email, and more importantly, the entire Internet. This constant connectivity has changed how we interact, enabling distant friends and relatives to virtually participate in our daily lives. It s impacted how we shop, with 55% of smartphone users indicating that they have used a smartphone to price compare when shopping. Additionally, more than a quarter of smartphone owners use their phones to read online reviews that impact their buying choices, and more than a third have scanned a QR code with their phone for information.

For the retail industry, this all adds up to a major marketing element. Smartphones are not just a one-way street, after all. If consumers can use them to access information, then businesses must use that same technology to share information with those users. This is where digital advertising comes in.


Digital advertising is a bit of a catchall term. Some people use it interchangeably with online advertising, but that s not quite accurate. All online advertising is digital advertising, but not all digital advertising takes place online. It s a huge industry. Mashable reports that, Global digital advertising spending broke $100 billion for the first time, according to eMarketer, which predicts the business will grow another 15.1% this year. These numbers reflect advertising received on desktops, laptops, mobile phones, and tablets, excluding text message ads (SMS, MMS, P2P). An estimated $31 billion of that was spent in the U.S. alone.

With so much smartphone usage, the marketing and advertising industry cannot lean solely on Internet advertising for their digital messaging. Rather, marketers must navigate the often-complex waters of direct marketing via smartphones. Consumers are quick to opt-out when brands over-message them with texts and other phone-based notifications such as push-data options. Yet consumers opt-in to begin with because they do want to connect with their favorite brands. They want coupons, special and exclusive offers, product notifications, and sale information. This means marketing must toe the line between helpful and intrusive, much as it does with social media.

The key here is for brands to offer a stream of useful information via social media and purposeful ads online while sending push notifications and text messages to cell phones on a scheduled basis as well as when those smartphones GPS capabilities enable location-based app push notifications. Those location-based services are among the most important elements of a digital advertising campaign utilizing smartphones. When users can not only choose to check in via Facebook and Foursquare but actually be made aware that they are within a specific range of a business location and offered an incentive to come in, they are far more likely to engage with the brand than if they simply see a banner ad while browsing online.

Smartphones offer real-time marketing opportunities to users who truly want to connect with your brand. Smartphone users are listening. Are you sending a message you want them to hear?

Larry is the author of this article about wrote this article about how the widespread adoption of smartphones has affected digital advertising. Working for TribalVision he noticed that their

virtual marketing department


boston seo services

that worked together to learn more about mobile advertising. In his free time he enjoys taking trips with his family and blogging about his adventures.

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Chillers For Hire Benefits Of Renting A Refrigerator For Your Business

Chillers for Hire – Benefits of Renting a Refrigerator for Your Business


mark alexander

Are you medical or pharmaceutical company in need of a refrigeration unit for your business? If so, you may be concerned about how much money it will cost for you to buy a refrigerator outright. These units can cost in the thousands, and a lot of times, that is simply too much for one business to handle. If that is the case for you, you may consider getting chillers for hire. These are actually large rental refrigeration units that you can use as long as you need for a low monthly premium. Here is a look at some of the benefits of going about this process and how it all works.

When you look into chillers for hire, you basically look for refrigerated storage units that can be brought to your place of work. Thus the process of actually obtaining and paying for one is about the same as it would be for a storage unit. The only difference is that one of these chillers will be brought directly to you. It remains on your property while you use it, and then you just have to pay a low monthly rental fee. This is certainly less expensive than buying a unit and it gives you the flexibility to expand or reduce your refrigerated storage at any time.


You can use chillers for hire just as if you owned them. They are made to be durable, dependable, and hassle free. If you do have a problem with your unit, you can always inform the place you got it from and they can send a technician out to fix the problem. If the company doesn t offer a maintenance service like that, you need to look for a place that will. Just like with any other rental situation, you should not be responsible for the repairs needed on your chiller.

You can find chillers for hire in an array of sizes. They are all built relatively the same, but you can get them as long as 45 feet. Whether your business is big or small, there is a unit out there for rent that can accommodate your needs. All you have to do is find a reputable company to get the refrigerator from. You do not have to spend a lot of money to get the refrigerated storage you need. It is all a matter of opening your eyes to your options.

UK medical and pharmaceutical companies seeking to hire chillers from

industrial fridge rental companies Dublin

and other parts of Ireland has become common practice nowadays. Irish companies are now offering better rental deals and onsite delivery to all parts of the UK including Northern Ireland, England, Wales and Scotland, with a 24 hour call out maintenance service.

Fridge Rentals Ireland

provides industrial fridge unit hire chillers and

refrigeration units for hire

throughout the United Kingdom, including England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland with free delivery and 24 hour callout for onsite maintenance.

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The Basics Of Transporting Frozen Or Refrigerated Goods

The basics of transporting frozen or refrigerated goods



Ever thought about how the exotic fruits and vegetables reach the local grocery store shelves? Even the everyday produce often comes from another location. How then do these time sensitive goods travel? The answer is simple, fresh or frozen freight services in Canada and other countries across the world.

The logistics of transporting fresh frozen freight across Canada and other countries is a fairly simple process that is relatable throughout the world. But transporting an entire truckload is far easier and a simple process. LTl (an acronym for Less Than Truckload) transportation is not accessible to every company. An LTl shipment does not require a full trailer (that is a 48 or 53 foot trailer). Several companies offer temperature controlled trailers that are used to transport fresh or frozen freights across Canada. Not all of those companies offer transportation for less than truck load (LTl) freights.


Goods that are sorted are often transported to local stores only in limited quantities. The transportation is however through temperature controlled trailers. When choosing the freight carrier of choice, one should take a careful look at companies offering (fresh frozen freight Canada) fresh and frozen freight transportation in Canada. The technology used to control the temperature, the back-up power solutions and various other technological considerations are the first steps to hiring a freight transport company.

The timely transport of goods is crucial as the products will have to reach shelves and stay on the shelves for a stipulated period of time. The refrigeration is therefore indispensable even during transportation. The testimonials of the company and the credentials including the attestation of certification bodies underscores the reliability of the company.

A simple transportation company may fall short on a number of requirements. Often the goods might need to reach a port, be sorted and sent out to local destinations. A company that offers temperature controlled warehouses for holding the goods and LTl transportation can prove to be a bonus. The network of the company of choice is another consideration. Many a times, goods might have to be transported to international and national destinations. Employing a local company that does not have support and office locations at the destination might prove to be a liability.

Further a company that has a reputation for being the best is not often the best company there is. As it is in life, the under-dog, the company that gets overtaken by big chains is the company that has the zeal and enthusiasm to prove itself. The transportation of frozen and fresh produce is an intricate chain where every link is integral to the efficient and timely delivery and success of the company.

You can find out more –

Customs Clearance Canada


Customs Clearance Vancouver


Cold Storage Vancouver

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Softening Language

Submitted by: Kenrick Cleveland

I’m curious about something and I wonder if you wouldn’t mind clearing it up.. .

Just so that I am understanding you completely.. .

Fantastic. That makes total sense. And so that I’m really getting where you’re coming from .. .

What do all these phrases have in common? Well, for one thing, they are icing on the cake of our persuasion abilities, in essence. If you look back at some of my other articles, you’ll see that we have learned to elicit criteria and create a deep rapport with our prospects and clients. Now, by adding these phrases to our conversation, we are polishing the silver, so to speak, making the conversation elegant and creative giving more expression to our persuasion abilities.

Softening statements and softening questions are the means to this elegance and finishing. We elicit criteria and there is a very basic structure for that. ‘What’s important about X? What’s important about Y? And ultimately, what’s important about Z?’


I highly recommend being comfortable with the basic structure of criteria elicitation and then moving on to the softening statements. If you’re still feeling a little hesitant, there’s no sense in confusing the process. However, once you feel an ease with your ability, start adding these phrases. It will become natural and add to the persuasion by soothing and comforting your prospects, in a way, lulling them into compliance.

‘So, I’m just curious, tell me, what’s important to you about finding a new adviser?’

‘I’m just not feeling comfortable with my current financial adviser and I’m looking for a change,’ says our prospect.

‘Absolutely. Fantastic. That makes really good sense. And just so I’m completely understanding you, what’s important about feeling comfortable with your current financial advisor?’

‘I just really want to feel safe in knowing that I am taken care of and my family is being taken care of and that my best interests are being looked after. I want to be sure that I’m being kept up to date on all changes, and right now, I’m just not finding that to be the case.’

‘I completely understand. And so I’m perfectly clear, ultimately, when you find this safe and secure feeling of being taken care of, what will that mean to you?’

‘It will mean that I don’t have to worry about my family or my family’s financial future.’

When we use softening statements, we’re putting our prospects at ease. We are showing we truly understand and are acting in full accord with their needs and desires.

I liken persuasion to being a musician. We can either go by the book, play it exactly how it is written (which, in some cases is exactly how it should be) or we can utilize improvisation. I think a combination of the two is where the best persuasion happens.. . A solid basis in the fundamentals with some flourishes of personality work to create a beautiful symphony.

About the Author: Kenrick Cleveland teaches techniques to earn the business of affluent clients using


. He runs public and private seminars and offers home study courses and coaching programs in

persuasion techniques



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A Real Liquid Calcium Magnesium Blend Truths About Health

A Real Liquid Calcium Magnesium Blend – Truths About Health


Omar Walters

3. Does ones liquid taste sweet and fruity?

If you answered yes to several questions above, you may be taking liquid minerals which might be really not benefiting you The truth is additives and preservatives make the body work harder to get the calcium it needs.


By the way, real minerals do not rot, spoil, need refrigeration or go bad. Colors, dyes and flavors take extra energy to remain digested or separated form the mineral. All of that energy might have been spend digestion quality food together with minerals. All of these additives have to disclose the digestive tract to end up separated into nutrients and waste material.

Many people are well knowledgeable that colloidal gold is a great way to cut down on the stress that you saw, help you to focus to the task at hand and even to obtain motivated for the day. But, when it comes to knowing how it is made or what makes it so special, there is more of a story to be learned than it\’s possible you\’ll actually think. In order to raised understand not only what colloidal gold is and what it can do on your behalf, it is a great idea to learn all about how it is produced.

When it pertains to understanding the manufacturing process of gold colloidal, you should also know that there are a number of colloidal minerals including platinum eagle, silver, titanium and many some others. However, the two most popular and widely used colloidal minerals are colloidal silver and gold. These two colloidal minerals are highly regarded in the homeopathic world and are said to experience a wealth of amazing properties that will help you to do everything from fight off viruses to enhance your energy and focus.

To be able to turn these precious minerals to a form suitable for human drinking, they are put through a process performed within a colloidal generator. These generators may be used for several colloids at the same time and they can all have various concentrations respectively. When in use, a colloidal gold generator works using gold atoms which includes a positive charge. It goes without saying that the mineral supplement takes substantial time to manufacture, often requiring about two full days before proper concentration is achieved.

There are many tests and studies done on colloidal minerals which include gold, resulting in some individuals even looking into the utilization of home gold colloidal generators. Nevertheless, the best possible colloidal gold is situated in commercial form meant for customer purchase. You too can start your own daily routine of colloidal gold consumption so as to build up your tolerance to stresses and be an aid to fight off fatigue while constructing your focus and concentration.

Since true colloidal gold is usually quite difficult to produce, it is important that it is manufactured to only the highest standards possible. When it comes to a dietary supplement this way, you never want to consume a product or service that has been made in a manner that includes cutting corners to lower cost and time. Always find a colloidal gold that is pure, free of preservatives, colors, additives and any kind of artificial ingredients. This is the only way to make absolute certain you will be taking a product that is manufactured under only the strictest involving guidelines, thus producing the top quality possible.

liquid mineral supplement

liquid mineral supplement

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