Category: Financial Solutions

Communications Strategies With A Difference

Submitted by: Jenny Kettlewell

We all know the most common communications strategies that are used in our everyday life: telephones, mobile telephones, pagers, walkie-talkies, CB radios and many others that we simply couldn t imagine doing without. But there are literally millions of different ways, both verbal and not verbal, that humans and other living creatures communicate with each other. They don t all involve electronic devices; here are a few of the more unusual ones we have uncovered.

A Gentle Touch

Most people are familiar with the poignant story of Helen Keller, a blind and deaf child, who was brought out of her life of isolation by the tender and patient work of her teacher, Anne Sullivan. Miss Sullivan used the techniques of touch and feeling in her communications strategies to unlock Helen Keller s dark and silent life. From the first moment of their meeting, when she spelled out the letters of the word doll into Helen s palm representing the gift she had brought her, Anne Sullivan was on her way to creating their very own private communications strategies. Within weeks Helen had had a major breakthrough and was able to name all the familiar objects in her limited world. Helen Keller became the first deaf and blind person to ever earn a degree, and she went on to become a world-renowned author and public speaker – all thanks to her dedicated teacher.


Equestrian Etiquette

Any animal owner can attest to the fact that they can communicate with their furry companions in many different ways and on many different levels. Dogs and other animals can learn simple verbal commands very successfully; but even without words, animals can often read their master s body language and even their stance. One pairing in which non-verbal communications strategies are tested to their fullest extent is in the elegant art of dressage. Commonly referred to as horse ballet , the aim of dressage is to get the animal to execute a series of complicated moves, at the direction of the rider, in an effortless and relaxed manner. Dressage ranges from basic levels of movement right up to Olympic-standard programmes and even at its simplest, it is imperative that the communication between horse and rider is implicit. A skilled rider knows how to apply commands with a minimum of effort and a well-trained, even-tempered horse will respond in kind.

ET Phone Home

When it comes to extra-terrestrials and UFOs there are not too many fence-sitters; you are either a die-hard sceptic or totally convinced we are not alone here in this huge universe. One thing the believers must take credit for is their determination to developing communications strategies in order to talk to whoever or whatever is out there. From signalling the universe on giant homemade satellite dishes, right down to alleged telepathic mobile phone conversations with aliens, people have been claiming success for many years. As far back as 1952, Jack Sarfatti, a respected quantum physicist claimed he was receiving messages from aliens through his home telephone. He maintains that the wisdom imparted to him in these calls went on to assist his highly successful career.

About the Author: Jenny Kettlewell is the Marketing Manager for Multitone Systems, a leading tele

communications strategy

company. Multitone has implemented custom, integrated

communications strategies

for businesses and organisations in the public and private sector for over 75 years.


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How To Finance Your Government Contracts

Submitted by: Marco Terry

Are you selling products or services to the federal government? Every year, city, county, state and the federal government buy billions of dollars in goods and services from business of all types.

Although doing business with the government is great and financially rewarding, it can also be hard on your cash flow. Why? Government agencies take, on average, about 40 days to pay their invoices. In the meantime, you have to cover all your recurring expenses such as payroll, rent and supplier payments.


This is not a problem if you have 60 days worth of operating capital in your bank account. But what if you don t? In that case, many business owners will try to get a business loan. Although that may help, business loans are tough to get and take a long time to set up. Also, business loans have set limits.

What business owners need, is a product that provides financing solely based on the business opportunity on sales possibilities. This product exists and is called invoice factoring. There are many factoring companies that specialize in factoring government contractors and vendors.

Factoring accelerates your government payments, and enables you to get paid in days rather than months. It s a form of financing where the factoring company advances you money against your government receivables. You get to use the funds immediately, while waiting to get paid. Once the government pays, the transaction is settled.

If you are reselling products to the government, you should also consider purchase order financing. In this case, the factoring company provides you with financing to pay your suppliers, enabling you to make the sale. Purchase order financing works well with invoice factoring and can also help you grow your company exponentially.

So, if you own a business that sells to the government, be sure to look into factoring and purchase order financing.

About the Author: We are a factoring company that works with small and medium sized businesses. For a free invoice factoring or receivables factoring quote, please call Marco Terry at (866) 730 1922. More information at


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