Category: Loan Agreements

Canada’s Insurance Brokers Association, What Are The Benefits Of Joining

By A.Noton

Belonging to Canada’s Insurance Brokers Association provides many benefits. But do these outweigh the time and cost of belonging to this organization? Because we are dealing with a business decision we must make our arguments for, or against, based on the business benefits it does, or does not provide. This short article will look into some of the benefits of belonging to this august organization, focusing especially on the education and training available to members.

We will divide this article in two main sections. Our first section will focus on the education programs available, while our second will highlight the improved service an Insurance Brokers Association member can offer. We hope this article can help you make a decision that will benefit you and your professional advancement in the insurance industry.

One of the satisfactions of being part of any industry as a professional is the opportunity of growth. True professionals never stop learning, and are constantly trying to better themselves through training and education. If you take on this challenge of continually improving yourself you can expect this constant learning and improving of your skills will allow you to take on higher levels of responsibility. What these higher levels of responsibility are will depend on your goals, ambitions and personal qualities, however you will not be short of options.


In order to provide their members with the best service possible the Insurance Brokers Association of Canada has created a Career Path that will allow you a lifetime of learning and training. This will make your career more interesting and vibrant, as well as making you a better professional.

There are nine main programs currently available to members. We will highlight some of them, although you are encouraged to do further research and find more information on all nine programs. The first step for a budding insurance broker is to carry out a Best Practices program. This program is designed to enhance the performance of members by comparing the broker operations of the 150 top performing companies in the U. S and Canada. This helps brokers identify the type of strategies that work in the insurance industry.

A great second step is to earn your CCIB, Canadian Certified Insurance Broker, designation. This qualification proves to customers you are prepared to offer a superior standard of excellence. These qualification do not only make you a better broker but also a more successful one financially speaking as customers prefer brokers that inspire confidence with an acclaimed qualification.

IRM, Introduction to Risk Management is another great program if you are interested in improving your professional skills. This program will provide you with a basic understanding of what risk management is all about, and how risk managers do their job. This is important for insurance brokers as their whole industry relies on the accurate management of risk.

If you take on one or all of the programs available through the Canadian Insurance Brokers Association and take advantage of the many tools they put at members disposal you will become a more professional and successful broker.

About the Author: Full service brokerage offers corporate and personal insurance solutions. When looking for the best protection and information on Car insurance, Home Insurance in Whitby, Health Insurance, Life Insurance options, there is Insurance Brokers in Oshawa


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Once I Stop Paying My Mortgage, How Long Do I Have Before Eviction?

By Patricia Payne

If you have stopped making your mortgage payments, how long you can stay in the home becomes a looming question. Depending upon what state you live in, as well as your lender’s foreclosure procedures, it could take months, or even years, for the foreclosure process to end in an eviction.

Foreclosure is a stressful process. You are constantly bombarded with threatening letters from attorneys, your lender, and even your local judicial system, and the process can take time before all avenues to collect on the promissory note are exhausted.

When Does a Foreclosure Officially Begin?

The foreclosure process officially begins when you miss your mortgage payment by the due date. For most homeowners, the due date is the 1st of the month. However, the majority of lenders generously give a 5 to10 day ‘grace period’ before any late charges are assessed on your account. That means if you fail to make your payment by the 1st of the month, a late charge will be added to your account if a payment is still not received by the 6th. Failing to meet your grace period is usually the first red flag that lenders see for delinquent accounts, and this initiates the foreclosure procedure.


What are the Initial Stages for Foreclosure?

In an effort to resolve the delinquency, your bank will send you a late notice. If no contact can be made within a week or two after the grace period, the lender moves onto legal notices. Some homeowners try to stave off foreclosure by making false promises to send payment. Although this can buy some time in the beginning, false promises give lenders less flexibility with a borrower down the road when foreclosure is in full swing.

If contacts are futile and a payment is not received by the lender’s ultimatum, then a Notice of Default (NOD) is filed by an attorney in the county recorder’s office of your county of residence and sent to you via registered and certified mail. A NOD gives public notice that you are delinquent and the lender intends to proceed with foreclosure.

Once an NOD is received you have varying amounts of time to respond, depending on the state in which the home is located. You may have as little as 30 days or less in some states, while other states allow up to 12 months or more to resolve defaulted mortgages after the NOD is filed.

When Does the Auctioning Process Begin?

When the reinstatement period ends, the lender moves forward with assigning a date for auction. The timeline of this process also depends on the state. Some states give Deeds of Trust where a trustee, usually a title insurance company or attorney, sets up the auction. Mortgage states must go through a judge to perform a judicial foreclosure sale. Once the auction date is set, you, as a homeowner, may still reinstate your mortgage if you can pay all past due mortgage payments – plus interest, late fees, and all attorney fees – which can all add up to be quite a significant amount. However, this is your last chance to prevent foreclosure.

Once a public auction has been held and a new owner is assigned through a sheriff or trustee sale, you may have some time before you are escorted out of your home by law enforcement. All in all, your time from late payment to eviction can take anywhere from about six months to well over a year before all legal processes are fulfilled.

This article is intended for general information. Always seek sound financial and legal advice before making any financial decision.

About the Author: Helpful mortgage information at P. Payne works for OHM Mortgage and Foreclosure Information Site providing answers to all those questions people need to know.


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Shotgun House Floor Plan The Revival Of A Traditional Southern Housing Style

By Rebecca Welch

Found throughout the American South, the shotgun house floor plan has its roots in West Africa and the Caribbean. Fleeing the revolution in the 1800s, Hatians introduced the long, narrow houses to New Orleans and their popularity quickly spread to mill towns and cotten plantations all over the South.

The shotgun house floor plan may the the only African American house plan that exists. Although the name sounds as though it was dreamed up by the National Rifle Association, the shotgun house was so named because of the liner arrangement of its rooms. In theroy, you should be able to fire a bullet through the front door and it would go through the house and straight out the back door.

Long associated with poverty, the shotgun house floor plan is now becoming respectable and even chic in some cities older districts. Architects, artists and community groups are working hard to restore the old homes into designer homes as symbols of both black and local heritage and pride. The shotgun house floor plan is the latest cause in the fight to preserve and restore some inner city communities.


With their typical one room wide and 3 or 4 rooms deep design uninterrupted by hallways, shotgun house floor plans can be as simplistic as a child’s drawing while retaining the integrity than many other floor plans don’t possess. Raised on piers, shotgun house floor plans allow for air circulation both under the house and as a cross-ventilating breeze. This design is well suited for the Southern climate. Porches provide much needed shade from the sun and encourage interaction between neighbors.

Though in the past shotgun house floor plans have been equated with slum areas, community groups in Houston, Texas are working hard to rennovate the remaining shotguns houses in the inner city areas of the Fourth, Fifth & Sixth Ward. The largest concentration of shotgun house floor plans were in a historic section of the Fourth Ward between downtown Houston and River Oaks called “Freedman’s Town”. The first preservation ordinance was passed a mere five years ago to preserve the 30 remaining shotgun houses in the area. Most had already been torn down and replaced with larger homes.

Many people living in the area want to see the old shotgun houses refurbished though there is some dispute as to the true historic value of these old homes. The shotgun house floor plan is an important part of African American history and should be preserved as a symbol of pride and survival.

About the Author: Rebecca Welch is the owner of

. She provides researched information on

house floor plan



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Mortgage Terminology For The First Time Home Buyer

By Dale Ronewicz

Buying a Home for the first time can be a little ‘nerve racking’. Mortgage terminology that brokers use everyday can leave you scratching your head or shaking your head pretending that you know what they’re talking about. Here are some mortgage terms and definitions that you’ll be hearing when shopping for a first time home buyer loan:

Adjustable-rate loans, also known as variable-rate loans, usually offer a lower initial interest rate than fixed-rate loans. The interest rate fluctuates over the life of the loan based on market conditions, but the loan agreement generally sets maximum and minimum rates. When interest rates rise, generally so do your loan payments; and when interest rates fall, your monthly payments may be lowered.

Annual percentage rate (APR) is the cost of credit expressed as a yearly rate. The APR includes the interest rate, points, broker fees, and certain other credit charges that the borrower is required to pay.

Conventional loans are mortgage loans other than those insured or guaranteed by a government agency such as the FHA (Federal Housing Administration), the VA (Veterans Administration), or the Rural Development Services (formerly know as Farmers Home Administration, or FmHA).

Escrow is the holding of money or documents by a neutral third party prior to closing. It can also be an account held by the lender (or servicer) into which a homeowner pays money for taxes and insurance.


Fixed-rate loans generally have repayment terms of 15, 20, or 30 years. Both the interest rate and the monthly payments (for principal and interest) stay the same during the life of the loan.

The interest rate is the cost of borrowing money expressed as a percentage rate. Interest rates can change because of market conditions. Loan origination fees are fees charged by the lender for processing the loan and are often expressed as a percentage of the loan amount.

Lock-in refers to a written agreement guaranteeing a home buyer a specific interest rate on a home loan provided that the loan is closed within a certain period of time, such as 60 or 90 days. Often the agreement also specifies the number of points to be paid at closing.

A mortgage is a document signed by a borrower when a home loan is made that gives the lender a right to take possession of the property if the borrower fails to pay off the loan.

Overages are the difference between the lowest available price and any higher price that the home buyer agrees to pay for the loan. Loan officers and brokers are often allowed to keep some or all of this difference as extra compensation.

Points are fees paid to the lender for the loan. One point equals 1 percent of the loan amount. Points are usually paid in cash at closing. In some cases, the money needed to pay points can be borrowed, but doing so will increase the loan amount and the total costs.

Thrift institution is a general term for savings banks and savings and loan associations.

Transaction, settlement, or closing costs may include application fees; title examination, abstract of title, title insurance, and property survey fees; fees for preparing deeds, mortgages, and settlement documents; attorneys’ fees; recording fees; and notary, appraisal, and credit report fees.

Under the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, the borrower receives a good faith estimate of closing costs at the time of application or within three days of application. The good faith estimate lists each expected cost either as an amount or a range.

When shopping for a first time home buyer loan make sure you shop around and find a broker or a loan officer that’s responsive to your needs. And don’t be afraid to ask question. Remember, it’s the questions you don’t ask that could keep you from saving money.

About the Author: Mortgage Terminology for the First Time Home Buyer was written by Dale Ronewicz. For more information on Home Finance please visit: (this link must be active on your site to use this article)


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Finding A Quality Family Dentist In St Clair Shores Is Important

byAlma Abell

Good dental habits are a very important thing to instill on your family. One way that you can stay on top of your families dental health is by regularly visiting the dentist. Regular visits to the dentist can have many amazing benefits, not just for you but for your family. A Family Dentist in St Clair Shores is perfect for families of any size. It is a convenient way for you to take all of the kids (and possibly mom and dad, too) down to the dentist at the same time to get them checked out. Family dentists are also experts at being able to work with small children. Often times young kids are scared of the dentist, but a family dentist can provide a calming atmosphere and approach that works wonders towards making children feel comfortable. This can allow them to be much easier to treat when it comes time for their appointments.

From the youngest toddler in your family all the way to grandma, a dentist can treat just about everyone. The dentist plays a key role in making sure that the overall health of your family is good as well. Studies have shown that having good dental health actually prevents many different types of diseases from occurring, such as heart disease and stroke. These habits will bleed through into their adult life, and hopefully get passed on to the next generation. Quality dentists will be able to handle any type of care that is necessary for you and your families dental health. Whether it is simple check ups, or oral surgery they should do everything.

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