Category: Property Data

Contact Commercial Landlord Services In Chicago You Can Trust

byAlma Abell

Whether you’re a landlord renting to tenants or a tenant renting a space, disputes are bound to happen and it’s important to get commercial landlord services in Chicago that can be trusted. Disputes can be over the safety of the area, receiving a security deposit back, or the eviction of a tenant for not fulfilling the terms of their lease. Getting the support of an experienced law office can reduce the chance of paying fraudulent damages or of being evicted for a false reason. An experienced law firm will have the in-depth knowledge an organization or individual needs when it involves tenant issues.

Evicting a tenant from their home or business location requires careful planning, and legal steps must be taken. An individual renting a home must be given proper notification, and a landlord cannot shut off the utilities to a home to force a tenant to leave. Expert commercial landlord services in Chicago will help an owner understand the proper procedure to follow so they’re not sued by their tenants. If a family needs help to remain in their home, an attorney will provide the defense they need even if they’re having difficulty paying the rent.

When a business finds a perfect location, they should have an attorney review the lease agreement. A business owner doesn’t want to find out they’ve been evicted after their customers know exactly where they’re located and the have to spend more time looking for a new space. Relocating a business could cost them thousands of dollars in lost sales. However, an experienced commercial tenant eviction attorney can provide the defense they need because of an eviction notice. Tenants are often afraid to speak up for their rights because they feel they have no options but to move. This is not the case in many situations.

Starr, Bejgiert, Zink & Rowells have over 80 years of combined experience focused on landlord-tenant litigation under the Chicago Residential Landlord and Tenant Ordinance, as well as Illinois laws, building code violation hearings, zoning matters, real estate matters, and much more. When you have a question about a tenant or landlord situation, contact them for the legal information you need.

Property Management Rentals Track The Numbers Every Month

byAlma Abell

Time is both a blessing and a curse. In the pursuit of more investment properties, more time with family and more money, there comes this duality between outsourcing certain things and keeping other actions close to home. Property management is one of the largest single steps in outsourcing tasks, largely because property management companies do so much. Finding a quality property management company is a large commitment, but one worth pursuing.

Being a landlord seems so easy on the surface. But if done poorly or without the proper set-up, it can become a full-time job. The landlord with ten properties and nine bad tenants knows this all too well. Part of the appeal of property management is building a good working relationship with the tenant. Furthermore, property management is a necessity when juggling multiple properties, because it allows for time to open up for the landlord. A landlord can commit to other tasks, leaving the details to a professional firm.

Record Income and Expenses

For tax purposes, as well as simple budgeting, a management firm dealing with Property Management Rentals, will track all expenses and income. They do this through everything from backed up receipts for purchases made to expenses for fixing a property. This is an essential step in validating what they are doing, as well as tracking these smaller details on a monthly basis. The data is broken up into reasonable time-frames. This will allow property owners to look it over even where it cannot be easily buried in the close of the year accounting.


Property Management Rentals will work on those seamless transitions as one tenant leaves and another comes on board. This is one of the most worrisome areas for a landlord. It opens the door for unexpected repairs from a tenant that remained hush on certain concerns with the property. It also means finding a new tenant, which is time-consuming. When a tenant leaves, the management firm will often draw up a report of the exact condition of the rental unit. They will make repair suggestions to increase rent rate and keep the property a competitive option for potential tenants.

It can be difficult for a landlord to let go of many tasks in handling their property. But, too much control can be a curse, and opening up to others in the day-to-day activities can allow for more time. Get in touch with us for more details.

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Drawbacks And Benefits Of New York City Condos


If you are like many, you want the comforts of home with all the amenities that can be found with condos in New York City. However, condo living isn’t for everyone, so it’s important that you go through all the drawbacks and benefits before making a decision. That way, you’ll know what means the most to you and whether or not you can deal with the negative aspects of condo life.

Community Living

While some people don’t mind community life and think of it as a benefit, some people don’t like sharing common areas, such as pools and fitness centers, and may not want to feel part of a community in their condo. These people should probably consider a house.


Every month you’ll have homeowner’s association fees (HOA), so you’ll constantly be paying for the maintenance of the common areas and grounds. While this can reduce large one-time expenses you may find with living in a home, it isn’t for everyone, especially if you don’t care about the amenities provided.


Buying a house means you can do whatever you want to the property, walls and building. New York City condos have rules that state what is allowed and what isn’t. You may be able to hang decorations, but may not be able to paint your walls and won’t have a say with the property. You may also be restricted when it comes to guests.


Though the disadvantages of a condominium may deter some, it does offer various conveniences. For one thing, it will be nearer to city centers and entertainment options. For another, you’ll likely notice better transportation routes though that isn’t the case for every location.


A condo unit can be more affordable than a house though many are expensive in large cities. However, there are usually lower-budget options for those single-income families and first-time buyers so don’t hesitate to ask and look around.


A condominium usually offers better security options, as there is always a doorman available, as well as lobby personnel to ensure that those who enter should be there. You’ll also have neighbors nearby, which can help if something goes wrong.


The amenities alone are usually worthwhile to people, and can include pools, spas, fitness centers, children’s playrooms and more. Just make sure you’ll use the amenities, as you’ll be required to pay for them regardless.

If you are interested in New York City condos, you probably realize the benefits of convenience, security and amenities. Visit Carnegie Park’s website today to learn more about availability or to contact them.

Wisconsin Leads The Way In Submetering


What Is Submetering? The dictionary defines “utility submetering” as a system which allows landlords and real estate management associations (multi-tenant properties) to bill their tenants for individual measured utility usage. Submeters are physically placed inside each tenant’s unit for metering and monitoring electricity, gas, water, steam, or other types of utilities. Installed submeters confirm the data collected at utility companies stations. The usage and data information collected by submeters is generally sent every 15 minutes to an energy management software system for analysis. Traditional utility bill data, provided billing information after an entire month, but submetering closes this informational gap by providing real-time energy usage. The whole purpose of utility submetering is to identify savings opportunities for tenants.

The Purpose of SubmeteringSubmetering is the latest innovative technology that is growing popularity, both with utility providers and consumers. This metering method uses IP-connected sensors and utility meters to gather the energy management data. The savings for consumers are based more on behavioral changes, such as turning off or unplugging equipment and devices, while not in use. The utility submetering environment began in the commercial and industrial industries, such as companies with multiple warehouses, buildings, and stores. Now, its domestic use is helping consumers save more money, using strategies which go beyond traditional upgrades of lighting and other utility systems.

BenefitsThere are many benefits for submetering in various buildings, including:* The process eliminates utility costs from rental agreements.* The identification of devices and equipment running after an 8 hour day, (nighttime, off shift, weekends) can be identified for savings.* Building owners can recover most, if not all, of their monthly utility bill, which increases their cash flow.* Information is quickly available for operators and facility managers on the same day so that they can make changes for savings.* Water submetering helps homeowners to report leaks before they become major expenses.* The detection of any utility bill errors, provide better management of electricity usage.* Residents can be more responsible for their own energy and water consumption.* Helps to promote conservation efforts.

The Best in Submetering TechnologyPresently, the Wisconsin Public Service Commission does not have rules or regulations which would prohibit submetering. For now, it is a developer’s choice and real estate management’s choice to submeter. The go-to company to provide all the information needed on submetering is the ABT Water Management Company.

ABT is a licensed, national installer of some of the country’s most reliable and leading water meters. They do not sub-contract any meter installations; they have experienced crews that can work in a 15-house park or a 700-site manufactured housing community. Multi-tenant managers, no longer need to fit a utility bill for each tenant. Now, tenants can receive their actual utility use, which provides a fairer and more equitable billing system.

Drawbacks And Benefits Of New York City Condos


If you are like many, you want the comforts of home with all the amenities that can be found with condos in New York City. However, condo living isn’t for everyone, so it’s important that you go through all the drawbacks and benefits before making a decision. That way, you’ll know what means the most to you and whether or not you can deal with the negative aspects of condo life.

Community Living

While some people don’t mind community life and think of it as a benefit, some people don’t like sharing common areas, such as pools and fitness centers, and may not want to feel part of a community in their condo. These people should probably consider a house.


Every month you’ll have homeowner’s association fees (HOA), so you’ll constantly be paying for the maintenance of the common areas and grounds. While this can reduce large one-time expenses you may find with living in a home, it isn’t for everyone, especially if you don’t care about the amenities provided.


Buying a house means you can do whatever you want to the property, walls and building. New York City condos have rules that state what is allowed and what isn’t. You may be able to hang decorations, but may not be able to paint your walls and won’t have a say with the property. You may also be restricted when it comes to guests.


Though the disadvantages of a condominium may deter some, it does offer various conveniences. For one thing, it will be nearer to city centers and entertainment options. For another, you’ll likely notice better transportation routes though that isn’t the case for every location.


A condo unit can be more affordable than a house though many are expensive in large cities. However, there are usually lower-budget options for those single-income families and first-time buyers so don’t hesitate to ask and look around.


A condominium usually offers better security options, as there is always a doorman available, as well as lobby personnel to ensure that those who enter should be there. You’ll also have neighbors nearby, which can help if something goes wrong.


The amenities alone are usually worthwhile to people, and can include pools, spas, fitness centers, children’s playrooms and more. Just make sure you’ll use the amenities, as you’ll be required to pay for them regardless.

If you are interested in New York City condos, you probably realize the benefits of convenience, security and amenities. Visit Carnegie Park’s website today to learn more about availability or to contact them.

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