Category: Workshop And Engineering Equipment

Saxophone Teachers: Working With Younger Students

Submitted by: Melissa C. Tan

If you are teaching saxophone to beginners, you will most likely have a large contingent of school-age children wanting to make their first foray with the instrument. It is important that you tailor your saxophone lessons to their wants and needs rather than just sticking with the lesson structure that you use with adult beginners. Children need more specialized attention and, occasionally, take a little more effort to teach effectively. Lets have a look at some of the things you will need to watch out for when teaching younger students

Keeping attention

Many teachers of young children, whether Music or Math teachers, will tell you that keeping their students attention is the hardest part of their job. When you are teaching the saxophone for an hour, you will need lots of tips and tricks to keep your student interested and motivated for the full lesson.

Attention-holding tips:


Rewards children respond well to rewards for good work and effort. The reward could be anything a sweet at the end of the lesson, perhaps, or a chance to play their favorite song. Be sure to tailor the reward to the wants of the child.

Mix it up younger students will get bored quickly if their saxophone lessons are too monotonous. Ensure that any drilling of skills are done in small 5 minute segments and remember to move on quickly if they are struggling avoid frustration at all costs!

Student investment give your student some responsibility over the structure of the lesson so they feel like they have a hand in the lesson and arent simply just turning up because their parents want them to. Its a good idea to start every lesson asking them want they want to do today and structuring your lesson accordingly so there is a good mix of what they need to do and what they want to do.

Be kind this should be obvious but take care to be sensitive to your younger students as they are so impressionable at their young age. Some of them will doubtless only be taking lessons because their parents want them to so. It is important that you dont chastise them if they are struggling with any new skills. Make your lessons a safe place for them to make mistakes and learn from them.

Set targets

It is a well known phenomenon that children respond well to target setting. This could be on a micro or a macro scale perhaps youve targeted to help them pass a grade exam in 6 months or maybe you want them to conquer an arpeggio by next weeks lesson. Its beneficial and motivating for anyone, regardless of age, to see improvement in their playing and children are no different. If they fail to meet their target, remember to use constructive criticism and lots of encouragement so they dont lose heart and stop their lessons.

As saxophone teachers, it is incredibly important that you tailor your lessons appropriately for your younger students. Keep them motivated by setting achievable targets and rewarding them accordingly. Holding childrens attention can be difficult but its a great feeling when you manage it!

About the Author: Melissa Tan is a music instructor in Singapore who loves to share her extensive knowledge of music and the art of performing to her students and blog readers. Visit her site at

or call (065) 8168 8251.


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For Everyone From Beginners To Experts, Gun Rental Often Makes Sense


Shooting can be extremely rewarding, but not every person comes to the sport ready to make the leap for good. As a result, some end up overlooking a hobby that could turn out to be especially enjoyable, feeling like the barriers to entry might simply be too high. In fact, though, there are good ways for even the most occasional of shooters to get involved whenever might make the most sense, and without needing to buy a weapon of their own. Gun rental providers like Knob Creek Gun Range can make it simple and affordable to partake of a quick shooting session at just about any time.

In fact, going this route will often make excellent sense for certain people. Owning a gun means taking on associated responsibilities, whether with regard to storing it safely or making sure to keep up with cleaning and maintenance. While many serious, experienced shooters find that these requirements end up being easy to justify, others may just decide that a less involved option will make more sense.

Gun rental will often do exactly that for those who prefer not to become so involved. Providers of rentals take care of everything that owners would normally need to do, from keeping firearms in prime condition to storing them safely away when they are not in use. As a result, those who come to them for rentals can enjoy many of the advantages of full-time ownership, but without needing to be subjected to the hassles.

Even among experienced, dedicated enthusiasts, services of this kind can have a lot of value. Someone thinking about buying a new weapon, for instance, could use a rental to get a real feel for how it performs in the field. For those who have not yet settled on a particular choice of weapon for a certain purpose, renting each of the candidates will often make things quite a bit clearer.

As a result, rental often turns out to be an excellent option for everyone from those who are new to the sport to even the most experienced. Thanks to the wide availability of such services in the area, just about anyone with an interest in shooting could do well to explore this option.

To find more information, visit local page.

Fire That Commentator!}

Fire That Commentator!


Michael A. VerdicchioThere is a commentator that you know very well that should be fired, immediately! Now I hate to see someone loose his job, but in this case, it is critically necessary, because that commentator is ruining your life.

Let me explain.

A commentator is one who discusses news or events. He or she will interpret and analyze events. In other words, a commentator does more than just report the facts. The dictionary definition of a commentator is, “an expert who observes and comments on something.”

How would it make you feel to turn on the television some night and watch a very famous commentator discuss and interpret your personal life in a negative way? Would you just sit, watch or listen to all those detrimental comments? You would probably be outraged.

Yet, that is exactly what millions of people do every day of their lives. And not just at night! They listen to a commentator from the time they get up until the time they fall asleep. And sadly, most of the time they have no objections to what the commentator is saying.

The commentator that I am talking about, who needs to be fired immediately, is the commentator inside of your head. I’m talking about the one who gives you all the negative interpretations about your life; the one who is so quick to analyze your every mistake.


And, this commentator is so slick that those short, but defeating comments, come out in the first person. Comments like, “I just can’t seem to figure this out.” “This never works out right for me.” “I am so stupid.” “That was a dumb thing to say.” “I’m always doing something wrong!” And on and on it goes.

This commentator is so brilliant that he can even predict your future! “I’m never going to get ahead.” “I’ll never get married.” “I probably won’t get that job.” “This is just the way it’s going to be for me.”

In the words of Donald Trump, tell the commentator, “You’re fired!”

This kind of self-talk from the commentator in your head is very defeating. It can ruin your life! You just cannot sit and listen to comments like, “I’m stupid,” and at the same time move forward toward being successful.

By the way, you are not stupid! Even if you have done some stupid things in your life, you’re still not stupid. Everyone has done some stupid things in their lives, so is everyone in the world stupid?

If you continue to allow comments like, “I’ll never get ahead,” to come into your mind unchecked, you will begin to believe it. Once it reaches your belief system, or your core beliefs, then it will continue to influence your thoughts and decisions from a subconscious level.

So, the first thing that you want to do is to fire the commentator. And by that, I simply mean that any time you hear any negative thoughts in your head about yourself, you dismiss them, immediately!

So if, “I’m so stupid,” pops up in your head, immediately counter with, “No, I am not stupid. I may not have made the best choice, but I am not stupid. I am very intelligent.”

Far too many people do not realize just how defeating these negative comments in their minds can be. In fact, there are a lot of people who not only listen to those kinds of comments in their head, but then they turn around and voice them out loud to others! That’s a double reinforcement of defeat. Have you ever heard someone say, “Sorry I’m so stupid”?

So first, stay on guard in your mind. Do not accept any negative comments about yourself, or let them settle in. Instead, kick them out and replace them with positive thoughts. “I am a great person.” “I am headed for success; in fact the Creator designed me for success.”

And secondly, if there is an issue with your core beliefs, then deal with it directly. In other words, if you really believe that you will never get ahead in life, then you need to address that core belief directly.

You will recognize the core beliefs because they always have emotions tied to them. When you say the thought tied to your core belief, you will feel that way too. Be glad that it came up, because now that you know it’s there, you can get rid of it.

Recognize it. Allow yourself to feel that way without judging yourself. Then, say, “I might have felt this way in the past, for reasons that I thought were valid at the time, but I don’t want to feel that way anymore. I choose to let go of this, now! I am putting off this negative feeling about myself, and its place I am putting on who I really want to be.”

As you work this process in your mind, you can replace your current core belief with a new core belief that will serve you well. Most people are waiting for their circumstances to change. The reality is that the circumstances will never change until the thoughts in the heart change. The statement from Proverbs is still true: “As he thinks in his heart, so is he.”

So, fire that commentator today!

Listen to one of Michael A. Verdicchio’s Pep Talks at has a free newsletter called, THE PEP LETTER, at


Michael is a husband, father, minister, author, and broadcaster. He has been the voice on numerous productions over the years.

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