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- Best Surgeons For Facelift In Southlake
Submitted by: Abigail Aaronson
Most people think that liposuction is a way to get rid of a few unwanted pounds around the midsection, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Liposuction is not a weight loss method, but rather a body sculpting tool. It helps whittle away bumps and lumps that diet and exercise alone are unable to target. And unlike popular belief, liposuction isn’t just for trimming tummies and thighs. It can also help sculpt the face, banishing double chins, turkey necks, and chubby cheeks.
During the procedure, a small, hollow tube called a micro cannula is inserted into the target area through a very tiny incision. Most surgeons are able to successfully camouflage any incisions within the natural lines and contours of the face to make them practically invisible. Excess fat is extracted using a sawing motion and suction from a pump while fluid is injected into the body to help loosen up cells. The skin is left looking tighter and younger with little evidence left behind.
Liposuction works well in conjunction with other procedures or on its own. Other plastic surgery that is commonly performed simultaneously with liposuction includes facelifts, browlifts, and Botox treatments. Your plastic surgeon will be able to determine the best course of treatment for your individual situation. Generally, the older the patient the more likely you will need additional procedures for optimal results. Liposuction merely removes excess fat, but it cannot help tighten the skin. If your skin is losing elasticity, further plastic surgery such as a lower facelift can help ensure a lasting effect.
The recovery period for facial liposuction is generally minimal unless it is combined with other more intensive procedures. After liposuction alone, expect swelling and some bruising for the first week. Results will be visible immediately, but will continue to improve as swelling subsides with three to six months. Some patients will need a small touch-up upon their follow-up appointment. Although liposuction is a generally safe procedure, there are always risks involved with every plastic surgery. These include bleeding, infection, and temporary or permanent numbness.
The greatest benefit of liposuction is that it is one of a few permanent procedures. As long as a reasonable nutrition and exercise plan is maintained, the fat will not return to that area. The average cost will vary depending on the extent of liposuction needed, if combined with other procedures, and by state. Generally prices range between $1,500 and $4,000, not including medication and any aftercare that may be necessary.
If you are considering facial liposuction, choose a board-certified plastic surgeon to perform the procedure. A good candidate for this procedure should also be in good health, both physical and emotional. To ensure a safe recovery and surgery, your surgeon may instruct you to quit smoking or engage in other important health measures, which is why it is imperative that you answer all health questions honestly. If you have any concerns about your medical history or a previous condition, be sure to discuss these with your surgeon well in advance of the plastic surgery date so necessary precautions may be taken.
About the Author: Liposuction slims and contours your body by removing excessive fat deposits. Charleston liposuction surgeon will help you implement an aesthetic plan, to rejuvenate your self-image and confidence. Contact him at
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