Who are eligible to import second-hand cars in South Africa?


P K Bansal

Most used or second-hand vehicles can be imported from certain countries at extremely low prices. Today due to safety, health, environmental and quality compliance issues raised by the importation of such vehicles, the importation of

used or second-hand vehicles

is subject to import control measures in terms of the provisions of the International Trade Administration Act (Act No. 71 of 2002). Certain people and organizations are allowed to import used and second-hand vehicles into South Africa.

Check below to know who can import used vehicles from Japan or other countries:

Followings are Eligible to Import in South Africa

1. Immigrants are eligible to import used vehicle:

Private passenger motor vehicles and LDV S (Light Delivery Van) can be imported. An Application form IE462 must be completed and applications will only be considered when permanent residence status has been issued by the Department of Home Affairs.

2. Returning South African residents and national:


The returning resident or national may import his/her own used or second-hand passenger vehicle or LDV for a maximum of one vehicle per person in possession of a valid driving license. It is also required that the vehicle be registered in the name of the returning resident/national for the minimum uninterrupted corresponding period of six months (working etc.) referred to above, prior to the return. Application form IE462 must be completed.

3. Physically- disable:

South African citizens/nationals are eligible to import a specially designed motor vehicle which will suit the disabled person s personal requirements. Application form IE463 must be completed and proof in the form of a certificate, issued by a medical practitioner that the applicant is in fact disabled is required.

4. Inheritance:

South African citizens/nationals are eligible for importation of inherited passenger motor vehicles and LDV S. Form IE463 must be completed. The heir must submit a copy of his/her South African ID or passport, a copy of the will, a copy of the deceased s ID or passport, a copy of the motor vehicle registration certificate in the name of the deceased and a copy of the death certificate. The imported vehicle may not be disposed of within a period of two years from the date of importation.

5. Vintage and Collector`s vehicles:

To South African citizens/nationals for the importation of vintage passenger vehicles and vehicles that are regarded as collectors items. Vintage vehicles can be described as vehicles of 40 years old or older. Application form IE463 must be completed. Full details of the vintage vehicle must be provided and a copy of the applicant s South African ID or passport (page with barcode and details) must be attached to the application form.

6. Racing cars:

South African citizens/nationals for the importation of racing cars: Racing cars may be imported by a racing driver. The proposed importer must submit a copy of his/her international, national or regional Motorsport South Africa (MSA) competition racing car driver s license and a written confirmation and a copy of import permit notification may be forwarded to MSA. A copy of his South African identification document or passport must also accompany the application.

Duty as per Category:

a. Immigrants may import one vehicle per family which has been used for a year duty-free, but will be required to pay 14 percent value added tax (VAT) on the import. They must obtain an import permit prior to importing the vehicle and not sell or dispose of it for two years following importation.

b. Returning residents can import cars that have been used and owned in the origin country for over one year. Full duties and imports apply unless the owner can prove they left South Africa with no intention of returning.

c. Temporary residents must pay full duties and taxes which are refundable on departure.

d. Foreign diplomats require a diplomatic certificate and are not required to pay duty.

Now that you know you are eligible, find a reliable Japanese used vehicle exporter from 100 s of exporters with thousand of vehicle stocks from various makes and models of your favorite Japanese brand listed on Japanese car trade portal site. Check the prices and choose the car with best price offered by the exporter.

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P K Bansal is CEO of

Japan used car portal

sites and writes useful articles and topics to share information. Sri Lanka is one of the leading importers of used cars and government allows imports under different permits. For information about

Japanese used cars exporters

, please visit :


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